Empowering Messengers of Truth
We are a diverse group of women and followers of Jesus Christ.
Our individual professions and ministries merged as we formed a casual accountability group
to help us get our four messages out in a published book form.
With the speed and synergy resulting from the formation of this group,
we were amazed to watch God’s hand in moving our messages out by multiplying our influence.
After only 5 months of time, we were traveling and speaking together, had written the book Collective Brilliance,
and had launched Rooftop Publishing, a company to help other’s leave a legacy they’ll love.
Blessed with a bright love for Christ’s gospel, our families, and our brothers and sisters around the globe,
we have combined our resources and efforts to help others fulfill their call to proclaim messages of truth From the Rooftops.
Announcing the Arrival of...
Collective Brilliance: Spark Ideas, Build Faith, and See Your Ministry in a Whole New Light.

When did you come to believe that it was all up to you? Or up to your own smarts, resources and grit to make a difference in the world?
Well, whenever it was, that faulty thinking has overwhelmed and stopped far too many of us from fulfilling our God-given callings to do, reach and be more. By utilizing the power of Collective Brilliance, the authors will help you:
- • Discover how your interests and passions aren't just personality, but spiritual gifts
- • Escape negative self-talk, and take the first steps to fulfill a meaningful calling
- • Choose to involve others, and enjoy the synergy, support and accountability they offer
- • Watch how your personal ministry blesses your family now, and leaves a legacy forever