You are in financial trouble. You don’t know what to do. You feel alone. Could bankruptcy be looming ahead?
In Money Calm, financial coach Becky Sanderson takes you by the hand as a gentle guide to help you navigate the emotional waves of bankruptcy. In her inviting way, she will journey with you to financial peace as she shares her financial disaster, lessons learned, and practical tips gathered on her own path from bankruptcy to financial abundance.
Discover how to:
- Step out of shame and blame and into action
- Understand the details of bankruptcy to regain control and make wise decisions
- Summon the courage to implement proven skills to manage the emotional ride
- Create a financial and emotional support system that will direct your success
- Recover from bankruptcy feeling stronger, wiser, grateful, and content
Bankruptcy doesn’t have to be the end of your happiness and security. Let Becky’s experience and know-how restore your faith, your peace of mind and make you money calm.