From the Embers: Five Steps to Rise to Your Potential

You can’t change. You’ve tried before and failed. Things never go right. Life is always beating you down. You’ll never get ahead. Have you ever felt like this? Lived like this? . . . It doesn’t have to be this way.

During a five-year “Gethsemane,” it took a memory, a stranger, and divine intervention for Stephanie Francom to discern a path to finally move. She began a powerful, personal journey that helped her to recognize her own toxic thinking, how to remove it from her life, and the new thoughts that would create what she wanted most.

With a genuine heart, candid openness, and real-life examples, Stephanie offers a captivating approach to help each of us:

• Discern the limiting beliefs that are holding us back
• Reduce our sabotaging thoughts to ashes
• Clean out our “toxic” physical space to prepare room for monumental growth
• Determine what we want most and cultivate new seeds of creation
• Unlock the greatness and purpose that is already inside of us
• From the Embers is for the independent businessman, the creative homemaker, the courageous single mother, the experienced grandfather, the fatigued mother of young children, the idealistic college student, and every individual in between who wants to break free from limiting beliefs and create a new life.

Through the compelling analogy of a forest fire, Stephanie walks with her readers on their own healing journeys to shed their false beliefs and rise deliberately and triumphantly from the embers.