Bloom Where You Are Planted: The Personal History of Charlotte C. Johnston


Author: is Charlotte C. Johnston

“In 2020, a time described as among the most divisive
and polarized in U.S. history, Charlotte gives us a
lesson in bridge-building. 
She remains fully anchored
in her religious faith even as she embraces and
advocates for the good she finds in secular society.
She has been willing to learn from those different
from herself and has come to respect and love those
differences. If stories of touching skin of a different
color, of pressing for a turn at driving the family
car, of struggling in midlife with decisions about
when and how to pursue a professional career, of
advocating for girls to get an education and prepare
for a profession seem out-of-date or quaint to you,
look again. They are stories of Charlotte’s encounters
with opportunities to grow, to change, and to support
others in doing the same. . . .

She has opened her life to us and honestly described
her process of change about things that we might
not otherwise have known even needed to be
changed. She has navigated the flow of change and
not been swept up by it. Her faith, her investment in
family, her sense of place derived from that small-
town upbringing, her generous service, and her
pursuit of the opportunities presented to her have
served her well and give us a model to learn from.” –Joyce Beer