About Us:
The creation of a small publishing company was not the original goal.
In the beginning, we were simply a group of four writers who were on a mission to get our passions and personal ministries out in book form.
As professionals from varied fields, we had written everything from master’s thesis’, marketing materials, websites, manuals, books, curriculum, presentations, articles, children’s books, newsletters, family histories, and years and years’ worth of personal journals.
But we each felt we had a book in our hearts that just begged to be written.
In 2018 we formed an accountability group to share our ideas, resources, connections, feedback, and enthusiasm for one another’s pet projects.
Within five months we were shocked and humbled at what we were able to accomplish individually by using our weekly group meetings.
When we tired of referring to one another as “my accountability group,” we became From the Rooftops. The name matched our natural enthusiasm for sharing our Christ-centered messages in a big and beautiful way.
Not wanting to keep the synergy and excitement to ourselves, we decided to share our success story in a combined book Collective Brilliance: Spark Ideas, Build Faith, and See Your Ministry in a Whole New Light.
Much of what we had seen in the publishing world lacked the spirit of our messages, and some traditional publishers either wanted their authors to come with a following or to control when and how the books came together.
Self-publishing or printing companies could work with us on our paper and print needs but weren’t able to guide us on the content and branding of our projects.
While we didn’t need our books to become bestsellers, we did require them to be filled with excellent content and presented in an attractive and professional way.
Our books would be part of our personal legacies and we were committed to putting in the time and resources to make sure they reflected our best work.
With that Rooftop Publishing was born. We knew how to assemble a like-minded team and identified attorneys, accountants, digital marketers, graphic designers, illustrators, typesetters, printers, and editors who were also inspired by the mission to produce books that built faith in Christ.
We exist to help you and your story build faith in your readers.
All yours,
Stephanie Francom
Roxanne Thayne
Gigi Turley
Christine Van Wagenen

Christine VanWagenen lives her life with uncommon exuberance. She has dedicated her life to serving women in her family, community, and throughout the world. She strives to utilize and share all her divine gifts. This helped her gracefully raise six children, own and operate a cooking school, serve with her husband on two missions in Asia, and bravely return to university studies after a 33-year hiatus to earn her Bachelor’s degree. Her anticipated book, “Possibilities; Press Forward with Purpose and Joy” strives to guide readers to discover new life and purpose through ministering in the Savior’s way.
Chaplain Gigi Turley, a God-loving Peruvian, is a passionate teacher and cheerleader of life. Her unique power of discernment offer insightful gems of wisdom that weave into every aspect of her professional and family life. Gigi is the author of “Soy de Naturaleza Divina” {I’m of Divine Nature), a children’s book and her soon to be released “The Mantle of the Matriarch.” Her empowering courses “Find the Peace Within” and “Spiritual Connection” help women unfold their purpose in life and find joy in womanhood.

Roxanne Thayne is practically famous for contagious enthusiasm for anything good. Her work as an educator, marketing/PR director, and disciple of Christ, promotes beautiful, faith-filled living. Her book “Jewels in Your Pocket: How to Comfortably Share Your Faith Through the Power of Personal Stories,” convinces even timid Christians they too can testify of God’s goodness. She loves sparkly things like jewelry, chandeliers, and conversation. She and her husband Tim live and work together 24/7 with their five children in Lehi, Utah.
People watcher, hopeful pianist, and author of “From the Embers,” Stephanie Francom juggles coaching, writing, and speaking with her adventure of choice: motherhood. She is an aspiring hiker, mother of seven and grandmother of the cutest Littles on the planet. The completion of her master’s degree with an emphasis on womanhood, her founding of a non-profit organization, Art of Womanhood, and her daily walk reveal her passion for the family. “From the Embers: Five Steps to Rise to Your Full Potential” illustrates her personal mission to inspire others to live on purpose and to empower them to share the truth in their hearts from the rooftops.”

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